
Web Development

Web Development is a great technology stack to get into. It does not have the learning curve as something like desktop application building; however, it has an almost infinite ceiling on what it can accomplish. You can create a simple blog or an entire application. Google Docs is written in the web framework. A blog site is written in the web framework. These two examples are completely different from each other and yet they are written in the same way.

What this Website Accomplishes

The problem I have seen with web development is the firehose effect. Once you learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript it turns into a firehose. React, Angular, Astro, TypeScript, Apache2 servers, it becomes a lot. I want to help those in the learning process and let them see how I have learned through creating small articles to break down some of the technologies. I have read hundreds, if not thousands, of tutorials and I want to help pull the information from them to set up things outside of the basics.

Active Projects

Check out this SPA that calculates how much weight you need to put on your bar at the gym. Barbell Calculator

Recent Articles

Push Weight with Python

Create a simple terminal application that can let you know how much weight you need to put on the ba...

Validate Forms in TypeScript

Relying on HTML to validate your forms is just one step in ensuring visitors enter their information...

Automation with NodeJS

NodeJS can help you automate simple tasks. Being a web developer you can achieve the same goals as o...

Automation with Python

Python can take boring tasks away from you so you can continue to do other things. It is a scripting...

Speed With Cache in WordPress

Most WordPress sites use Apache as their server. Apache has a lot of tools built into it to speed up...

Web Technologies


The HyperText Preprocessor (that's the acronym), is the backbone of the internet.There are articles from the past two decades talking about the demise of PHP; however, it still stands strong and powers the internet today. PHP is a backend server language. What you create in PHP is rendered by a server, then given to the user. The user (should not) ever see the PHP code for your website. PHP is the backbone of the infamous WordPress. The blogging tool used by millions is powered by PHP. PHP also powers a framework called Laravel. Laravel can be used to generate any kind of application you can think of.

PHP's Logo


JavaScript's Logo

The language that powers dynamic websites. JavaScript is the frontend language of the web stack that creates dynamic content. Without JavaScript websites could not dynamically generate content. Popular frameworks that capitalize on JavaScript are React, Angular, and Vue JS. You do not need a fancy framework to create great content. It can just be as simple as making a popup or a menu that drops down. The language has even been exported to the backend with NodeJS and Deno. It can run the frontend and the backend for you to let you just learn one language!

Cascading Style Sheets CSS

The language that powers the style of the website. While JavaScript makes the website dynamic, CSS makes it look good. Without CSS websites would be black and white with all the elements just splayed all over the page.While not a “programming” language it does have tools to help with simple addition, subtraction, addition, and multiplication. You can create to your heart's content with CSS.

Hyper Text Markup Language HTML

The skeleton of the internet. Without HTML websites would simply not exist (as they do today). It provides the logic to help facilitate the structure While it cannot do anything fancy, dynamic, or make the website look nice it provides the building blocks to make the applications. Everything that is on the web, as a site, has HTML to build itself.

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